Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Week of 2/27/2017

Wow, I can't believe tomorrow is MARCH! Where did the last two months go? We have been working very hard here at school and are really starting to see the fruits of our labor! Here is what we are doing...

Reading: This week we are starting a new module titled "Cultures, Communities, and Connections." We started this by reading an information piece on city living. It was great to see our students so excited to learn about how people live in different cities. This module will take us about a month to complete. Along with our regular reading we are also celebrating Dr. Seuss this week! Go ahead and pull out your favorite Dr. Seuss book to read!

Writing: The students are writing a fictional piece this week based off of what would happen if the Cat in the Hat walked into our classroom when the teachers were not there. It has been great seeing the students creativity come out in these pieces. I can't wait to see the finished products on Friday!

Math: This week we looked at our last unit and saw our growth from pre-assessment to post-assessment. It was great to see the students proud of their learning! We are also beginning a new unit this week. We will be learning about measurement, elapsed time, and fractions for the next few weeks! I am very excited for this unit, but it can often be difficult for students. If you child is stuck on their homework please email me. I will help you in any way that I can.

Science: We are coming to the end of our Weather and Beyond science unit. We will finish up learning about the different climates in the world. Our cumulation will be a neat science project where the students will be asked to build roofs that survive different climates and weather patterns.


Homework Journal:
Think of a Dr. Seuss book that has been made into a cartoon or movie. Which version do you like better, the book or the cartoon/movie. Why?

Mystery Questions:
1) When was Dr. Seuss born? When did he die?
2) Where did Dr. Seuss go to college and what did he originally want to do as a career?
3) Did Dr. Seuss have any children?
4) How many languages have Dr. Seuss' books been translated into?
5) What was Dr. Seuss' first book?
6) Was Dr. Seuss really a doctor?

Dates to Remember:
3/1- Character Ed Assembly
3/2- Read Across America (Students can bring either a blanket, pillow, or stuffed animal.)
3/3- Super Hero Day
3/3- Class visit from Dr. Brester teaching on oral hygiene
3/3- Dr. Seuss/Super Hero Dance @ 6:00 pm

Hope you all have a great week!
Miss Irwin

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