Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Week of 1/9/17


Can you believe all of the snow that we are getting! I have enjoyed watching the flakes fall and being able to sleep in... but I am so ready to have a full week with my kids! Here is what we are going to be doing if this week's weather cooperates.

Reading: We are learning about the Athabascans of Central Alaska. Our focus is on finding the main idea and supporting details of a text. Asking ourselves what the text is mostly about is a great way to focus in on the main idea.

Writing: Using the text that we are reading, the students will begin creating a fictional story about an Athabascan. We will be researching more about these people and how they live their lives. Students will then be taking that and applying it to their writing.

Math: This week we are diving into our new math unit. At the end of last week we started working on rounding to the nearest 10's. We will continue working on this, talking about how we can then round to the nearest 100's or 1000's. We also learned a new strategy for adding today called "give and take". We will be working on using this strategy the rest of the week. For example. When adding 99+36 students can take one from the 36 and give it to the 99 to create 100+35. Look for a green handout that came home today which helps to explain what your student will be learning in this unit; as well as some the strategies that we will be focusing on.

Students have math homework this week. It is due on Friday.
No spelling this week.

Mystery Questions:
Students need to write 10 compound words down in their very neatest handwriting. To be turned in on Wednesday if we have school. If not turn in Thursday.

Events to Remember:
1/13- Family Game Night @6:00 pm.
1/16- No School MLK day.

Thanks for all you do to help your child!
Miss Irwin

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